TAQ Mardi Gras Meet at LSU
Jan 12-14, 2024
The meet will be run in a boys pool, girls pool format! We will need lane timers for every session.
Lane Timer Sign up
Team Attire:
Shirt Colors: Making Waves, Friday; Red, Saturday; Black, Sunday.
Swim Caps: White with Red & Blue Crawfish logo
**coaches will have white caps at the meet also!
We are planning to set swimmers up in the large bleacher on the pool deck on locker room side closest to the scoreboard. This seating will be primarily for swimmers. Chairs can be set up on the "large raised bleacher side" next to the raised bleachers (opposite the locker room side of pool where we will set up) and the large raised bleachers is open for spectators also. Set up of chairs may be open around our team bleacher but it is more limted on that side of the pool.
*We will 4-5 coaches at each session with 1 behind the blocks of each pool during the meet and then in our team area to help keep them on track where needed.
Timeline notes
-Sat/Sun 13 & Over session finish time is tentative 10:45am (with the 1000 freee/1650 free to follow- those events are provide own timer)
-Sat/Sun 12 & Under session finish time is tentative 3:30-3:45pm depending on the day/girl or boy pool).
Scoring will be done for all 12&Under events.
-The 12 & Under age brackets will include be SINGLE age group: 6&Under, 7yr old, 8yr old, 9yr old, 10yr old, 11yr old, 12yr old.
-High point awards will be given for 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd place high point winner’s female and male for the single age group brackets listed above (this means the 3 highest scoring individuals, female and male, per age group- 6 & U, 7yr, 8yr, etc. through 12yr old.
-No trophies or ribbons will be given in addition to the high point awards.
-Sunday following the 12 & U session they will distribute high point awards. Coaches will stay for this to pick up any unpicked up awards to bring back to the pool!
Meet Schedule (updated 1/9)
- We are first of two warm up sessions each day! Please be inside and ready for warm up 10 minutes ahead of each warm up session.
- Friday, 4:30-5:00pm warm up. Meet begins 5:30pm.
*The facility does not open until 4:15pm due to LSU swim practice- please wait until the doors are opened to enter the building. - Saturday, 13 & Older
Warm up- 7:30–8:00am. Meet begins- 8:45am
*The facility does not open until 4:15pm due to LSU swim practice- please wait until the doors are opened to enter the building. - Saturday, 12 & Under
Warm up- 12:00-12:30pm. Meet begins-1:15pm
*25 yard events will be lined up on the locker room side of the facility and swimmers will start those events from the bulkhead. - Sunday, 13 & Older
Warm up- 7:30–8:00am. Meet begins- 8:45am - Sunday, 12 & Under
Warm up- 12:00-12:30pm. Meet begins-1:15pm
- HIGH POINT AWARDS - 12 & Under swimmers only, scored single age group. Please advise swimmers to stay at the end of Sunday PM's session to receive awards.
- LIVE STREAM - the meet will be lived streamed on the Tiger Aquatics YouTube page
- RESULTS - will be available on the Meet Mobile app ( "2024 LA Tiger Aquatics Mardi Gras Invite")
- CONCESSIONS - will be available for spectators and meet participants in the front lobby of the Natatorium. You can access out the diving well side door near the tennis courts.
- D & J SPORTS - will be available to purchase swim apparel at the meet
- PARKING - parking will be limited Friday PM as there will be an indoor LSU Track Meet adjacent to the Natatorium. You can find additional parking in the shell lot next to the Natatorium, street parking, and West Campus Aprt parking lot. There are not parking restrictions on Saturday or Sunday.
- WEATHER - please advise your teams to prepare for the cold weather. The afternoons will be comfortable. Suspect Saturday will be chilly inside the Natatorium. We ask that you do not prop doors open unless done so by the facility management.
-Friday PM - low 34
-Saturday AM - low 34, high 58
-Sunday AM - low 37, high 6
Meet Fees:
- $16.5 swimmer surcharge and $5 per event.
- USA Swimming Membership is required. Swimmers that do not have this membership will need to purchase USA Swimming athlete membership by January 1, prior to submitting entries to the host team.
- Swimmers 12 & Under have the option of a Flex Membership ($40) which will allows for 2 USA Swimming sanctioned meets per calendar yeary. After that, upgrade to the full $90 membership is required to participate in more meets during the calendar year. The only membership option for 13 & older swimmers is the full membership ($90) which is valid Sept 2023 through Dec 2024.