Qualifying Times

- 2025 LA State Championship Time Standards
- 2025 Sectionals Time Standards (Texas Observed)
- USA Swimming Championship Meet Time Standards (Sectionals, Nationals, etc.)
- National Age Group Motivational Time Standards (2021-2024)
How to find for your "Best Times" & time standards achieved
-Search your name on the USA Swimming database
*This will only reflect times from USA Swimming sanctioned meets. School League meets or Next Gen meets will not be included in the USA Swimming SWIMS database (with the exception of the CCSL League Championship and LHSAA State Championship).
-Download the USA Swimming app (also available from any web browser)
*Deck Pass has great features allowing swimmers to see all meet results by season, IMX scores/ranking and more!
-Check the "Best Times" tab under your Athlete info on your Team Unify account
*Check out the On Deck app by Team Unify also.
IMX Extreme Standings
IM Extreme (IMX) is a motivational program that allows swimmers across the nation to compare themselves to the thousands of other athletes in their age group. All you have to do is swim a combination of events, at least one time per season, and USA Swimming will automatically give you your ranking!
The first step in the IMX Challenge is IM Ready (or IMR). To get "IM Ready," swimmers compete in a series of five events at shorter distances.